Expanded Healthcare Access Battle Continues in New Hampshire


New Hampshire is back to the drawing board in pursuit of expanded access to healthcare for all granite-staters following the Nov 21 vote by the Senate on expanded Medicaid. A bill with a compromise proposal was narrowly defeated by just three votes. This ended the special session to accept the billions of dollars offered by the federal government to ensure access to health insurance coverage to almost 50,000 granite-staters who are currently uninsured. This is a case where doing nothing at all is simply not an option for the health of NH residents. For heart disease and stroke patients, and those at risk, access to quality, affordable care is critical. We know Medicaid beneficiaries with heart disease are twice as likely to take their medication appropriately, compared to those who are uninsured, and are also more likely to have their blood pressure controlled and to have been checked for high cholesterol compared to the uninsured. The good news is, NH lawmakers are not finished finding a solution for this important health policy. We expect the legislature will take this issue up again when the regular session begins in January 2014.

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