Every Kid Healthy Week: Do you know where Pennsylvania ranks when it comes to obesity?


Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index recently released a new report outlining obesity rates on state by state bases. Colorado residents were the least likely in the nation to be obese in 2012 -- as has been the case since 2010 -- making it the only state where less than 20% of adults are obese. West Virginia - also for a third year in a row -- is the state with the highest obesity rate, at 33.5%; however, this is down from 35.3% in 2012. To learn where your state ranks, visit Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index website.

Spring is a great time to start thinking about getting healthy
. This time of year there will be an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables to grocery stores, farmers’ markets will start and with the weather starting to improve getting outside for physical activity will be possible. To show your legislators that obesity and other health issue are important to you, please visit our Take Action center to send your supportive message today or encourage others to send a message through Facebook.

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