Every Four Minutes Someone Dies of Stroke, But They Don't Have To...


May is American Stroke Month.

Every 40 seconds someone has a stroke and every four minutes someone dies of a stroke. But stroke is largely preventable, treatable, and beatable with your help.

The American Heart Association is working to improve acute stroke care in Vermont. Together with the Vermont Department of Health and the Vermont Stroke Work Group we’re working to get Vermont hospitals to implement recommendations for a quality stroke system of care. 

As a way to be a part of Stroke Month and build momentum please click here to tell legislators about this new stroke project.

 And take a minute yourself to learn a F.A.S.T. way to remember stroke warnings signs and the need to act quickly.

F-Face Drooping

A-Arm Weakness

S-Speech Difficulty

T-Time to Call 9-1-1  


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