Encourage State Leadership on Hypertension


The need for statewide action on hypertension is clear.  Hypertension is a leading risk factor for heart disease, stroke and other chronic diseases. It’s also preventable and controllable.  High blood pressure is treatable, if more North Dakotans are driven to know their numbers, if well managed through lifestyle changes and controlled through a focus on effective treatment.  North Dakota needs more tools to attack this public health problem head-on.  By working together to tackle this preventable public health problem we can make great strides in the fight against heart disease and stroke. 

Take action by encouraging Governor Dalrymple to address hypertension by leading a statewide initiative to make hypertension preventable, changeable and controllable.  In not doing so, our leading chronic diseases of heart disease and stroke will escalate, and strike our residents at a younger age, driving longer term healthcare costs.  Ask our governor to make hypertension a cornerstone initiative for the state. Take action today!


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