Emergency Medical Services is a Critical Part of the Stroke Team

Check out this article from the Minnesota Department of Health on Emergency Medical Services (EMS).


Emergency Medical Services for Stroke

The Minnesota Department of Health is working with EMS agencies to find ways to improve statewide stroke care provided in the ambulance, promote notifying hospitals to activate their stroke systems, and use best practices and stroke protocols.

Every Second Counts EMS Toolkit

The Wisconsin Coverdell Stroke Program and the Minnesota Stroke Program collaborated and created the Every Second Counts EMS toolkit to support those efforts.

The toolkit is available on request from the Emergency Medical Services for Stroke page.

This toolkit can help EMS agencies identify areas for improvement in consistently providing optimal stroke care and improving care coordination. This resource offers a variety of tools that support continuing education, performance improvement and community education. Some of these tools include:

  • Educational handouts about stroke
  • Opportunities for stroke education
  • Stroke treatment guidelines
  • Sample EMS protocols
  • A stroke checklist for emergency medical technicians (EMTs)
  • Ideas for stroke treatment quality improvement metrics and projects
  • Information on where to learn about hospitals’ level of stroke care (e.g., state-designated stroke centers in Minnesota)
  • Community education information and resources

Funded by the Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Program through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


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