Grab Your Sneakers for Heart Walks in Sioux Falls, Rapid City and Pierre


Grab your sneakers, your friends and family, and head on out to a Heart Walk near you!  The Eastern South Dakota Heart Walk is Saturday, August 23rd, at Falls Park in Sioux Falls, the Black Hills Heart Walk is Saturday, September 13th at the Main St. Square, and the Central South Dakota Heart Walk is Saturday, September 20th at Hyde Park.  Heart Walk educates South Dakotans about our risk of cardiovascular diseases & stroke, and what we can do to prevent them. Funds raised support medical research, public awareness, provide education & advocacy efforts of the American Heart Association. Through the efforts of a tremendous volunteer team, the Eastern South Dakota Heart Walk, led by Ken Baptist from John Morrell, has secured 60 Sioux Falls area companies and is on track to achieve their goal of raising $210,000 for the lifesaving mission of the AHA. Companies and individuals in Central and Western South Dakota are already supporting Heart Walk by organizing teams and encouraging their businesses to support our life-saving mission.  

It's not too late to sign up, organize a team, and help raise awareness for our number one killer - heart disease!  Join more than 4000 walkers across South Dakota to help fight cardiovascular disease and stroke.  

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