Dr. Carol Gill, New Jersey


Dr. Gill is Chair of the Department of Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders at the Veterans Administration New Jersey Health Care System. She is currently serving as President of the Northern New Jersey Board of Directors for the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association and is a dedicated "You're the Cure" advocate.

Dr. Gill is passionate about cardiovascular diseases in women, health disparities and stroke as well as issues around food access and childhood obesity. She is a long time volunteer with the AHA/ASA, promoting its mission through community outreach, teaching Hands Only CPR, promoting the Go Red For Women movement, the Better U campaign and participating in the annual Heart Walks. This year, Dr.Gill attended an event at the New Jersey State House to connect with state lawmakers on the importance of Healthy Corner Stores and healthy food access in all communities throughout New Jersey. She also took part in an effort to bring attention to World Stroke Day in communities throughout Northern New Jersey. Thanks to her advocacy,18 communities introduced resolutions to raise awareness about stroke.

Thank you Dr. Gill for your tireless efforts to prevent and treat heart disease and stroke in New Jersey and beyond!

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