Don’t Our Children Have the Right to Smoke Free Playgrounds?


A new program has been created by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Young Lungs at Play. Under this program, signs will be provided to communities that put policies into place that ban smoking in parks and other places children might normally be at play. This will not only protect our children from the effects of secondhand smoke, but will set an example for our children that smoking is unhealthy.

There is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke. It contains 69 cancer causing chemicals like arsenic, lead, ammonia and formaldehyde and causes heart disease, cancer, lung disease and other illnesses to both children and adults who don’t smoke. Exposure to secondhand smoke causes immediate adverse effects on heart function, blood platelets, inflammation, endothelial function and the vascular system.

You can click here to see a list of communities that are already taking part in this program and to learn more about the program. To learn more about our current efforts around smokefree in Pennsylvania and to show your legislators that this issue is important to you, please visit our Take Action center to send your supportive message today.  Don’t forget to share your actions with your friends on Facebook. 

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