The late Fred Rogers, creator and host of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood often described advice his mother gave him during scary times. “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping,” he would say, relaying his mother’s words. In this time of uncertainty, and as the impact of COVID-19 spreads through our communities, states, country and world, we want to learn more about the helpers in your neighborhood.
hero_image_alt_text===do you know a helper in your neighborhood
thumbnail_alt_text===do you know a helper in your neighborhood
Is your helper a physician or nurse working long hours in a local ER, a restaurant worker delivering your favorite dish to you curbside with a smile, a pharmacist or pharmacy tech going above and beyond, a rockstar educator teaching your kids virtually or even a neighbor who is sharing supplies hard to find?
To submit your story click this link.
Just as Mister Rogers’ mother served as a calming presence during uncertain times, so too are the helpers we know and love. We can’t wait to hear more about the helpers in your life during this difficult time. We will do our best to share your stories on our American Heart Association social media pages to inspire us all!
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