Universal Pre-Kindergarten has been shown to help kids live healthier lives. High quality early education can lead to significantly lower chronic diseases later in life. We also know children who attend high quality early education are more likely to graduate high school and attend higher education.
Every child deserves the opportunity to have a healthy and fulfilling life.
Unfortunately, Delaware ranks 41st in access to quality early education and special education. Only half of Delaware even has access to Pre-K today. We need your help telling lawmakers to support high quality early education for all Delaware children.
Universal Pre-K makes economic sense too. Parents of youth who would have access to Pre-K can find better paying jobs, which helps the whole family and community live better. Not only does Universal Pre-K help children and families now, it could help entire communities for years to come. We must give youth access to Universal Pre-K.
If we can provide Pre-K Delaware's children, we will help ensure they have a chance to be healthier, happier, and better prepared for success. Don't our kids deserve that?
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