DC Council 101 - the Inside Scoop


In a town enthralled with government, becoming politically active can be a daunting adventure. Voyagers often discover the road to improved policy is tough and confusing. To alleviate this struggle, DC Council released a roadmap to help citizens navigate their way through DC’s distinctive system.

Council 101: Understanding the Legislative Process, follows treasured childhood figure, Schoolhouse Rock Bill, as he becomes a law. DC’s unique one house legislature makes getting involved easier than ever. Realizing that individuals have varying levels of policy-making expertise, this helpful little article includes three levels of intensity: 101, 102, and PhD.

Visit http://dccouncil.us/news/entry/council-101-understanding-the-legislative-process to read about it.

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<Thanks to You’re the Cure intern Kassie Crook for help developing this blogpost>

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