Danger in the Air


The air we breathe shouldn’t pose a serious threat to our health, but unfortunately the polluted air in the U.S. is doing just that.  Air pollution, which contains particles from toxic acids, chemicals, and metals, comes from sources such as power plant and vehicle emissions, fires, and even windblown dust. These tiny and often invisible particles that comprise air pollution can cause an array of health problems, including acute and chronic cardiovascular conditions. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one killer of Americans, accounting for one in every three deaths, and sadly the state of our air is directly contributing to the problem.  That’s the bad news.  However, reducing exposure to dangerous polluted air can decrease the risk of cardiovascular events. We can do something about it- the state should require to work on reducing resident’s exposure to air pollution and gather more research on the impact of air pollution on health. 

Research has shown that reducing exposure to fine particulate matter can decrease the risk of cardiovascular events within a few years. Everyone in the U.S. would benefit from improved air quality, whether they currently have CVD or not. We are asking the legislature to take a comprehensive approach to clean air.  We can use your help to educate the policy makers about the effects of air pollution on cardiovascular disease.


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