CPR Training Now Required in RI Schools, Why Not MA?


This week, the Governor in RI signed into law the CPR in Schools Bill. Now all high school students in Rhode Island will receive hands-on CPR training and an overview of automated external defibrillator (AED) use prior to graduation as part of the health education curriculum. 

We know that the death toll from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is both staggering and tragic and we need to ensure that we have bystanders who can act quickly and perform CPR when someone suffers SCA.  Requiring CPR to be taught in schools has the potential to save hundreds of lives by training a new generation of lifesavers who will be prepared to act if they witness a family member, friend or stranger suffer sudden cardiac arrest. I look forward to the day that Massachusetts follows states like RI, TX, VT and 8 more states and counting that requiring their students to be trained in CPR.

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