Meet Advocacy Committee Member and Volunteer, Amanda Bartschenfeld!
hero_image_alt_text===Amanda Bartschenfeld
thumbnail_alt_text===Amanda Bartschenfeld
bottom_action===Amanda Bartschenfeld
What brought you to be an advocate for the American Heart Association?
I'd been fundraising and heart-walking for years. When I was approached to take it to the next level and join the advocacy committee, I was honored and up to the challenge.
What issues or policies are you most passionate about and why?
Safe routes and active transportation opportunities, healthy food access for everyone, heart-health education and disease prevention, women's health differences and awareness — a broad range of issues that affect everyone. I'm a firm believer in making the entire state healthier and stronger together.
What is your favorite advocacy memory or experience so far and what made it great?
My first legislative breakfast and one-pager drop-offs at the Minnesota State Capitol and State Office buildings really lit my fire. Interacting directly with lawmakers gave me a voice that I haven't stopped using since. It's empowering!
What is your favorite way to be active?
My absolute favorites are Jazzercise and kickboxing, but I'll happily settle for a walk around my neighborhood.(Thanks to the new sidewalks in Roseville!)
What is your favorite fruit or vegetable?
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