More Communities in Minnesota Pass Tobacco 21

As the year continues, 34 communities have updated their tobacco ordinances to increase the sales age of purchasing all tobacco products from 18 to 21.  Minnesota now has more Tobacco 21 communities than any state without a statewide policy.


Little Canada
On May 8th, Little Canada became the 32nd community to pass Tobacco 21. 

On top of raising the sales age of tobacco products to 21 years of age, on May 13th the city implemented a complete flavor ban at licensed vendors in the city.


Bringing the issue back to the table, Mankato previously held a public hearing on T21 in 2018 but held off.  With recent city wins (North Mankato and St. Peter) and consistent advocacy, Mankato passed the ordinance on May 13th

New Brighton

The city held their first public hearing on May 14th – ultimately deciding to move forward with a vote taking place on June 11th.

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