Meet Christopher A. Hopkins, CFA – Heart Survivor and Outstanding Advocate

Chris Hopkins suffered a massive heart attack in 1998 at age 39. Over the next twenty years he received a great deal of life-extending care that included 3 defibrillators and numerous cardioversions. Then in 2019, Chris received a heart transplant.

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thumbnail_alt_text===Christopher Hopkins

His daughter documented his transplant journey, and you can watch the video here.

Along the way, he learned a lot about the work of the American Heart Association and knew that his life-extending care was made possible because of AHA research and the generosity of donors. It was through this journey that he became interested in advocacy and how through public policy change he could help build longer, healthier lives.

He strongly feels the need to honor the generous gift of life from the family of the young man whose heart he received. Since his transplant he has been committed to being a good steward of that gift.

Recently Chris joined us in Nashville for the Heart Beats for Tennessee Lobby Day where he met with his state lawmakers. His passion for our lifesaving mission is evident and he is relentless in his pursuit for building a healthier state.

This month we are honoring advocates like Chris, who provide unwavering support and commitment each day and are helping drive our work forward. We are grateful to him for his willingness to share his time, talent and treasure with us.

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