Students from Local Attleboro School are Leading the Way in Choosing H2O.
hero_image_alt_text===Say yes to water
thumbnail_alt_text===Say yes to water
A local middle school in Attleboro is the focus of a community led pilot program that has provided new water filling stations to all their students. The project provided the students education to make healthier choices. The school provided all students with free water bottles so they could take full advantage of the new filling stations. The pilot came together after a consortium of local leaders wanted to address the concern that students weren't using the current water fountains. The school has seen an increase in water intake and have already saved over 2000 plastic water bottles by using the filling stations in a short few weeks. The students will receive ongoing education on healthy choices and why Choosing H2O is the right choice! The students also participated in a Rethink Your Drink Poster Contest for prizes.
Because of the success of this pilot program the consortium is working to expand the focus to other local middle schools.
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