Children can't change the world on an empty stomach!

With the start of the new school year, changes have come to school meal availability for all students. At the beginning of the Covid pandemic, the federal government covered school meals for all students. This resulted in all children having access to breakfast and lunch without any gaps in coverage, ensuring every child could count on 2 healthy meals a day. It was a tremendous success in reducing food insecurity in school-aged children across the country.  


Unfortunately, this federal program ended at the end of the 2021/2022 school year. With the end of this program, families have had to face hundreds of dollars in monthly food costs they have not had to budget for the past couple of years. Even still, many families living on the edge may not qualify for the free or reduced plans, forcing families to have to rely on less expensive and less healthy foods. Some states have made an extension of the federal program, but many states chose not to.  

Studies have shown children who eat healthy meals have better attention spans and behavior in the classroom – this makes school meals for all important for all students – not just those who need financial assistance. School meals for all eliminate the administrative costs of tracking meal fees for students and help school nutrition staff focus on what is important – feeding kids healthy meals.  

We know the importance of school meals for all – but we don’t know your story.  
How have you or your family been impacted by school meal programs? Were you on a free or reduced program or have a loved one who was? How did the program work for them? Did you face any negative impacts from it? How has the growing cost of food impacted your family?  
We want to hear from you – through video!
We are introducing an exciting new way to make your voice heard. With a quick couple of clicks, you can send us your video telling us about your experience with school meals. See, we know writing can be harder than just saying what is on your mind – and we want that more than anything!   

So, share your story with us through video so we can hear how school meals impact you and those you love! 

Click here to take action!

With heart,

Katey and Rebecca

Your Grassroots Managers

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