The Olympics have started and if you’re like me, you’re disappointed that the US Men’s Basketball Team lost their first game against France. Some are saying that Coach Gregg Popovich needs to get 100% effort from his players and incorporate a full court press if they’re going to achieve their goal and win gold. So, we at the American Heart Association and our You’re the Cure advocates are taking a page out of coaches’ playbook and incorporating our own full court press on Child Nutrition Reauthorization.
hero_image_alt_text===Fresh, healthy food
thumbnail_alt_text===Fresh, healthy food
As part of that full court press, we recently launched a nationwide media tour in support of strong, science-based nutrition standards and allowing all students across the country to have access to healthy school meals. Dr. Cheryl Anderson, Immediate Past-Chair of the American Heart Association’s Nutrition Committee and Chair of AHA’s council on Epidemiology and Prevention was the spokesperson for the tour who provided an experts take on the issues and encouraged viewers/listeners to take action on our grassroots campaign.
The tour, which included television, web-based and radio news segments was a resounding success leading to millions of media impressions. Millions is not a typo! In fact, the tour generated nearly 9 million television impressions alone, and almost 55,000,000 impressions from news outlets across the country! Couple that number with our traditional You’re the Cure grassroots which has already generated thousands of messages to Members of Congress, and we’ve created a super-team like we all hope USA Basketball will become.
Like USA Basketball, our work is not over, and Congress is not just going to give us a win. We need to remain focused on our goal and continue our effort so children from every part of our country can benefit from science-based nutrition standards and healthy school meals for all. Haven’t taken action yet? Don’t worry, there is still time, and you can do so in just 1 minute by clicking this link.
Stay tuned for more ways to help and as always, we will be sure to update you with any new developments!
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