Breaking News: Sacramento Defeats Big Tobacco

In a major victory for the health and safety of children, Sacramento City Council voted on Tuesday, April 16th to prohibit the sale of ALL flavored tobacco products including electronic smoking devices and menthol flavored cigarettes. The Council recognized that harmful and addictive tobacco products should not be sold in candy, fruit and other flavors that can entice kids into a lifetime of addiction.


There is conclusive evidence that flavors play a critical role in youth initiation and continued use of tobacco products. Flavors mask the harshness of tobacco products, making it easier for kids to try the product and ultimately become addicted. The vast majority of youth tobacco users report starting with a flavored product and that they use tobacco products “because they come in flavors I like.” E-cigarettes are sold in more than 15,000 flavors, and flavored cigars make up more than half of the U.S. cigar market. These products come in flavors like gummy bear, cotton candy, cherry dynamite and mango that are clearly designed to appeal to kids.

Flavored e-cigarettes have fueled a youth epidemic, with e-cigarette use among high school students rising by 78 percent nationwide in 2018. The tobacco industry relies on the strategy of candy-like flavors and packaging to lure young people into nicotine addiction. As a result, youth use of candy flavored products is surging in schools across the country, generating national headlines.

The Sacramento City Council voted 7-1 to approve the ordinance. The Sacramento vote provides a major boost for the growing movement to end the sale of flavored tobacco products and is strongly supported by scientific evidence.. San Francisco was the first U.S. city to ban flavored tobacco products when voters overwhelmingly upheld the city’s law against a tobacco industry ballot challenge. Other cities, especially in California, have since approved similar measures. For more information please visit here.

Thank you so much for your support over the last couple months.

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