Breaking News: Nutrition Equity Bill Introduced in DC Council!

On Monday, a new bill called the Nutrition Equity Act was introduced in the DC Council by Councilmember Brianne Nadeau and 5 other Councilmembers. This policy will address inequitable nutrition access throughout the District in many settings- addressing nutrition issues at the root level. 


See the press release on the issue from Councilwoman Nadeau here. 

We know that access to nutritious foods is essential to people living longer, healthier lives. This  policy will ensure that shelters and transitional housing are providing nutritious meals that meet certain guidelines. It will also fund food access and education programs and many other community resources as well - so DC residents in all 8 wards can  access the nutrition resources they need to live healthier.

With youth drinking on average enough sugary drinks to fill a bathtub every year, we must help them have healthier options. The Nutrition Equity Act  will reduce sugary drink consumption while  providing the necessary resources to keep all District communities healthier. 

You can learn more here. 

This is a win-win for DC families!

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