Bold Steps for Healthier NYC Neighborhoods

New York City is advancing on some important policies that can help improve New Yorkers’ health.

hero_image_alt_text===An image of New York City Hall.

With just one year left in the City Council Session, many members of Council and our Mayor are taking some bold steps forward in pursuit of healthier neighborhoods.  Both the Mayor and the City Council Speaker held their respective State of the City addresses this month.  Both are looking to continue improving physical education for our city’s kids.  By providing more certified teachers and decreasing class sizes for PE, we are making great strides in the quality of physical education.  The Mayor has also pledged to help improve the safety of our streets for biking and walking.  And during her speech, the Speaker promised to address the burden of limited access to healthy foods head on! With so many potential opportunities, this promises to be a very busy year!

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