Bobby McKeeby, New Jersey


Bobby McKeeby was at home in Newton, NJ last summer when a frantic woman appeared at his door. Her husband had lost consciousness in the passenger seat while she was driving. He was not breathing and needed help. After calling 911, Bobby went with the woman to her husband. Bobby had no medical training-aside from the CPR training he received at Pope John High School more than 40 years earlier. He sprang into action and started performing CPR as he had been taught until the man started to breathe again. EMS personnel arrived on the scene shortly after.

A few months later, there was another knock at Bobby’s door. This time it was the same woman that was there months earlier along with her husband. They had stopped by to thank Bobby. His heroic actions that day saved his neighbor’s life.

Since that day, Bobby has become a volunteer for the American Heart Association and an advocate for teaching CPR to high school students in New Jersey. In June 2014, he was awarded an American HeartSaver Award for his role in saving his neighbor's life.

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