Behind the Dollars it Makes Sense


It is that time of year again, the Governor is preparing his budget and although we knew it was going to be a tough budget year we are asking for his support on several critical health related issues. In the past the Governor has made a large investment in public health by including funding for some of our priorities, we want to take this opportunity to encourage the Governor to support key initiatives that we believe will make a difference in the lives of those suffering from heart and stroke and help people live a life free of heart disease and stroke.

We are asking for support on several priorities, Public Health Infrastructure; Support the Health Prevention and Promotion Line Item; Increase the Price of Tobacco Products; Assure Access to Comprehensive Smoking Cessation Benefits; Expand Support for the Department of Public Health; Strengthen Massachusetts health reform programs through implementation of the ACA; Restore MassHealth adult dental benefits; and Provide adequate resources for MassHealth customer service and operations.

What are some issues you are concerned about? Are there things you want us to advocate for? We believe these initiatives will provide for a healthier citizenry in Massachusetts and will save health care dollars, but we would love to hear from you and what you care about. Look for an action alert later this week and have your voice be heard on some of the critical budget issues!


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