Ballots Have Arrived – Vote NO on 1634!

The state mailed out ballots last week, so make sure to keep an eye out for yours in your mailbox. One of the many issues on the ballot is Initiative 1634, and we urge you to vote NO. I-1634 which is almost entirely funded by the soda industry, and if passed would take away a community’s right to decide for themselves how they want to approach funding for community programs. The soda industry wrote this ballot measure to protect their profits, not our communities.

hero_image_alt_text===No on Initiative 1634
thumbnail_alt_text===No on Initiative 1634

The YES campaign has branded itself “Yes, to affordable groceries” but what it’s really about is taking away local control on certain issues. For over 40 years it has been illegal in Washington to tax fresh produce, vegetables, milk etc. But the YES campaign has been running deceptive ads implying that if Initiative 1634 fails communities around the state will start taxing fresh produce and other staple food items.

So, before you decide how to vote this year please read some information about the campaign and what it’s really about.

Communities know what is the best way to approach the issues facing them and if Initiative 1634 passes that local approach will be off the table. We hope we can count on you to vote NO on Initiative 1634 this November.

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