Front-of-pack Nutrition Labeling

Do you use the nutrition labels on food packages when shopping for your family’s groceries? We know that eating healthy foods contributes to long-term health and reduces the risk of serious chronic health conditions. Still, about 2/3 of folks don’t frequently use the nutrition labels, in part because the current labels can be confusing and because they are located on the back of the package.

hero_image_alt_text===Woman shopping for groceries
thumbnail_alt_text===Woman shopping for groceries

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is prioritizing several initiatives to empower consumers with the nutrition information they need to establish healthy eating patterns, including the development of front-of-package nutrition labeling. Front-of-package labeling is intended to provide simple, at-a-glance nutrition information so we can quickly make healthy food choices as we make our way through the grocery store aisles.

Front-of-pack labeling has been on the rise around the world, and other countries have successfully implemented easy to use symbols like grades, stoplight colors or star ratings to indicate the health score of a product or reflect a warning. Studies show that these tactics increase consumer understanding and spur healthier purchases, while also driving food companies to create healthier products.

FDA is currently conducting research and is expected to release a proposed rule by the end of the year. Stay tuned for opportunities to weigh in as the FDA invites public comment on front-of-pack nutrition labeling.

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