Summer is here and that means children and families will be spending more time outside. For millions across the country this is the season of outdoor activities like bike rides, long walks and hikes. At a time when 80% of adults and nearly 75% of children fail to meet recommended amounts of physical activity, it’s important that we make being active in safe ways easy and accessible for all and you can help by contacting Congress!
The U.S. Congress is actively working on legislation referred to as the transportation reauthorization which provides multi-year funding for transportation programs including for walking, biking, and rolling infrastructure – or active transportation.
The programs and policies include things like walking or biking trails, Safe Routes to School and more sidewalks in our communities. Studies show that funding for active transportation programs and policies can help curb obesity and weight gain, while lowering your chances of heart disease and other chronic conditions and improve your quality of life. That’s something we can all support!
hero_image_alt_text===boy on a bike
thumbnail_alt_text===boy on a bike