Arlington Goes Smoke-Free

You did it! As of May 9th, Arlington is the 74th smoke-free city in Texas! 


Because of your unrelenting support and dedication The Arlington City Council voted 7-2 to pass a comprehensive smoke-free ordinance. This victory would not have been possible without you! Your countless emails, calls, and testimonies before the City Council were the linchpin to this victory.

Never forget that you can make a difference. Your actions made this happen! 

That said, we are also grateful for the leadership of the City Council in taking the necessary steps to protect every worker in Arlington.

If you live in Arlington, please take a minute to thank your City Council members for voting to make Arlington a healthier place to live and work!

If you'd like to learn more about smoke-free campaigns in your area and how you can get involved, email Samantha Bender ([email protected])


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