Arkansas: Mission Lifeline Inaugural Meeting


On Friday, May 2, 2014, 51 people from across Arkansas and surrounding states, gathered to begin discussing a coordinated System of Care in accordance with our Mission Lifeline program.  The meeting included cardiologist, nurses, emergency room staff, Emergency Services, State Health Department and staff from Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care. 

Three physicians presented the state of Arkansas with regards to STEMI (the most serious type of heart attack), what a system would look like and a look at other successful systems in other states.  Speakers were Dr. Barry Tedder, of Jonesoboro, Dr. A. Balamurugun of the Arkansas Department of Health and Dr. Robert Wozniak.   Also presenting were Loni Denne and Cammie Marti from AHA. 

Do you have a story about receiving good or bad cardiac care?  Would you like to get more involved with improving care in Arkansas?  If so, please post in the comments below or email [email protected].

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