Another Great Year for Heart-Health Policy in Minnesota


Thanks to the hard work of advocates like YOU, Minnesota had another great year in moving heart-health policies forward. Together, we have worked to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular disease and stroke and we have much to celebrate this year!

Below is a brief summary of the bills we helped passed this year:

Safe Routes to School Funding
We secured $1 million for SRTS infrastructure (sidewalks and safer crossings) and another $250,000 for non-infrastructure uses (training and SRTS planning). That’s a grand total of $1.25 million in new resources to make it safer for Minnesota kids to walk and bike to school!

AED Registry
All AEDS intended for public use in Minnesota will be required, as of Aug. 1, 2014, to be registered in a maintenance program that alerts owners to expired batteries or pads to ensure that these devices are always ready to deliver a life-saving shock if needed.

Stroke Registry
A statewide stroke registry is how we measure what we are doing for acute stroke care in Minnesota. This session we strengthened participation in the Minnesota Stroke Registry Program. 

STEMI Registry
For the first time, the Minnesota Department of Health will be participating in coordinated, statewide surveillance and reporting of STEMI heart attack care. Utilizing data from Mission: Lifeline hospitals and the Action Registry, the Minnesota Department of Health will now report on STEMI care in Minnesota the way they do for Stroke and Trauma.

Physical Education Study
The Minnesota Dept. of Education will be required to conduct a study to determine the current status of PE in Minnesota schools. Their report will be due to the legislature Jan. 15, 2015 and will help shape our policy direction next year as we seek to strengthen PE in Minnesota.

Thank you for your ongoing support and action this year!

We can’t spell CURE without U!

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