An important deadline


Campaign signs are multiplying like bunny rabbits on the roadsides and yards around the state.  Anyone who watches TV is anxiously awaiting the return of auto dealer commercials and regularly scheduled programming.   Must be the last push towards Election Day….

As I write this, Election Day is less than two weeks away.  Many people in Maine have traditionally opted to vote “absentee.”  Due to recent changes in Maine law, absentee ballots now have to be requested three business days before the election.  This year, that means Thursday, November 1st.  Please see below from the Secretary of State’s website:

For the November 6, 2012 General and Referendum Election, the deadline to request an absentee ballot, including a ballot voted in the presence of the clerk, is Thursday, November 1, 2012, unless the voter completes a special circumstances application, stating one of four allowable reasons for requesting an absentee ballot after this deadline. The four reasons are:
       An unexpected absence from the municipality during the entire time the polls are open on election day;
       A physical disability,
       An inability to travel to the polls because the voter is a resident of a coastal island ward or precinct; or
       An incapacity or illness that has resulted in the voter being unable to leave home or a treatment facility.
This special circumstances application must be signed by the voter. This application can be obtained from your municipal clerk or from the Secretary of State.

I know this relentless blitz of advertising, “he said, she said” name calling and general screaming and shouting can be discouraging.  Please know, however, that voting is one of the most important things any advocate can do to make sure your voice is heard.  It is your duty and a privilege that many don’t have.  See you at the polls!

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