American Heart Association and Hawaii Appleseed Team Up

The American Heart Association is teaming with Hawaii Appleseed and other community organizations to advocate during the 2019 state legislative session to provide funding to supplement federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) funding for “Double-Bucks” programs. Those programs allow SNAP recipients to purchase twice the number of fruits and vegetable for the value of the SNAP dollar. This would help to reduce health disparities in Hawaii by improving nutrition, while helping to control healthcare costs for us all. It would also economically support Hawaii’s farmers and food outlets by encouraging more consumption of fresh produce. Another potential bonus, if federal funds are available, would allow the state to double its “Double-Bucks” investment by securing federal matching funds.

hero_image_alt_text===Picture of 3 adults and a kid with a large carrot
thumbnail_alt_text===Picture of 3 adults and a kid with a large carrot

Voices For Healthy Kids, a joint initiative of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the American Heart Association, is providing a grant to Hawaii Appleseed to help lead the collaborative legislative effort. Voices For Healthy Kids is working with communities across the nation to ensure that children have access to healthy food and physical activity where they live, learn, and play.

SNAP incentive programs benefit some of the most vulnerable populations in our communities, reducing food insecurity. Nearly two-thirds of all SNAP participants are children, elderly, and people with disabilities

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