A Heart Survivor's Mission in Advocacy!
hero_image_alt_text===An image of Allie Wolfe.
Allison, was born in 1999 with a very severe form of heart disease called Tetralogy of Fallot. In addition to her diagnosis of TOF, she was also found to have a snaking aorta which wraps around her airway. Since 1999 she has endured three open heart surgeries and an angioplasty at Boston Children's Hospital. Allie started volunteering for the American Heart Association at the age of 7. She has shared her story countless times, has advocated for AED's in Schools, access to critical care, telemedicine coverage and the need for research funding. She has been part of our Heart Walk, Go Red for Woman and advocacy activities for over a decade and her heart condition has not slowed her down. She is a true inspiration and a constant fighter! She most recently took time away from college to come to the State House and take part of our 21 Reasons event. Since she has been at college she has been exposed to her roommate vaping which is extremely dangerous to her heart health. She shared her reason so that legislation would see the importance of raising the age of sale of tobacco to 21.
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