Alaska Session Reaches Halfway

The 18-week Alaska legislative session has reached the halfway point in Juneau. Our American Heart Association priority legislation continues to gain momentum.

hero_image_alt_text===Senator Elvi Gray Jackson Giving Testimony on SB221
thumbnail_alt_text===Senator Elvi Gray Jackson Giving Testimony on SB221

The first hearing for the CPR in Schools bill was received positively and garnered a lot of external support. AHA was able to provide key witness testimony in addition to our partners at the Fire Chief’s Association. A teacher we have worked with through our School Engagement program was able to share an amazing story at the hearing. Working alongside the AHA, he recently trained his students in hands-only CPR. Two weeks later a student saved his father’s life when he had a sudden cardiac arrest at home. Without the training he received in school, the student would not have known the steps to take to save his father’s life.

Other high priority bills, including paid family medical leave, childcare assistance and legislation to address food insecurity continue to gain support. We expect these bills to have hearings once the legislature returns from its spring recess.

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