Show Support for T-CPR in Alabama

During the 2018 legislative session, the American Heart Association's top priority is to pass Telephone CPR legislation requiring all 911 telecommunicators who provide dispatch for emergency medical conditions to be trained in the delivery of high-quality telephone CPR.


Here are two ways you can show your support for Telephone CPR: 

  • We will host a Tele-Town hall the evening of March 5th to discuss the legislation. To participate, email [email protected] prior to the event date for the call-in number.
  • Sign our Telephone CPR petition and share the link on social media and with family and friends. 

Did you know that the first 9-1-1 call made in the United State happened in Haleyville, Alabama? On February 16, 1968, Senator Rankin Fite completed that first call. The serving telephone company was then Alabama Telephone Company. This Haleyville 9-1-1 system is still in operation today.

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