We're quickly approaching the end of session.
Breaking News
Qualifying closed click on the links below to see who qualified.
- Republicans https://algop.org/elections/qualified-candidates/
- Democrats http://aldemocrats.org/blog/list_of_qualified_candidates_for_2018
Key Dates
The Alabama House of Representatives will reconvene Tuesday, February 20 at 1pm.
The Alabama Senate will reconvene Tuesday, February 20 at 2pm.
Campaign Updates
State Campaigns
Telephone CPR (T-CPR or TeleCPR):
During the 2018 legislative session, we are urging legislators to support House Bill 300 by Rep. Connie Rowe to require all 911 telecommunicators that provide dispatch for emergency medical conditions be trained in the delivery of high quality telephone CPR. This is the top priority for the organization during session.
Did you know? The first 9-1-1 call made in the United State happened in Haleyville, Alabama! On February 16, 1968, Senator Rankin Fite completed that first call. The serving telephone company was then Alabama Telephone Company. This Haleyville 9-1-1 system is still in operation today. http://archives.ubalt.edu/bsr/articles/feb%2016.pdf
Healthy Food Financing Initiatives (HFFI):
Also during session, we will support efforts to secure funds for Alabama’s Healthy Food Financing program. If you recall, the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) received $300,000 from the legislature to distribute to food retailers, such as grocers, farmer’s markets and wholesale markets, in underserved communities, enabling them to open, renovate, or expand grocery stores to increase the availability of healthy foods. They accepted applications from November – December 2017. The core team continues to meet to discuss next steps about future revenue measures. Contact [email protected] with questions.
Local Campaigns
Complete Streets – Birmingham:
We are excited to announce that on January 9, the Birmingham City Council Transportation Committee passed a complete streets policy and it will now move forward to be voted on by full council. In the coming weeks, we will activate our grassroots network, which includes all staff, to urge council to pass a complete streets policy for Birmingham. If you would like to be engaged in this local campaign, contact Alex Carmack at [email protected].
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