AHA Priorities Moving Forward!

Our co-sponsored bills to enhance enforcement of the flavored tobacco product ban law, have passed out of their first and second policy committees!

AHA’s sponsored bill to ensure schools can respond to sudden cardiac arrests on campus also had a critical hearing.

hero_image_alt_text===Heather stands in gray sweater in front of the CA state capitol
thumbnail_alt_text===Heather stands in gray sweater in front of the CA state capitol

"On September 22, 2023, I suffered sudden cardiac arrest in my classroom sitting next to my classmates and friends. I fell to the ground as my lips turned blue and my heart stopped beating. As the principal began CPR and first responders continued CPR and used an AED, I was revived. I was lucky because the paramedics had an AED device and I was being monitored as my life signs flatlined. By the fourth AED shock, my heart finally started to beat again, and I showed signs of life.”

Not the story you would expect from a 13-year-old, but Heather Freligh shared her story with the Assembly Education Committee to show the importance of legislation that would require schools to update their safety plans to include a cardiac emergency response plan. Without the quick actions of her principal, and classmates Heather might not be here today. Her story led to a unanimous committee vote! We are looking forward to welcoming Heather to California Heart at the Capitol on May 7th to share her story with our volunteers and meet with her lawmakers!

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