AHA volunteer Lori teaches us how to lower sugar.
I met Lori Kaley well over a decade ago while I worked on nutrition policy for the Maine Public Health Association. As soon as I came to the AHA, I knew she would make a fantastic volunteer. I was right! She has been invaluable as AHA works in the legislature to set nutrition standards in early care centers as well as the home based child care setting. Check out this month's WMTW Heart Health 8 segment where Lori explains how we can reduce the added sugar in our kids diets.
We need to assure that the youngest Mainers get a healthy start. That means assuring all Maine kids, no matter where they attend child care, are getting healthy food, plenty of active play and little to no screen time. AHA and Lori are working together on this goal. Stay tuned for more information.
Those of us who are adults need to watch our sugar too. The American Heart Association recommends limiting the amount of added sugars we consume to no more than half of our daily discretionary calories allowance. For most American women, that’s no more than 100 calories per day, or about 6 teaspoons of sugar. For men, it’s 150 calories per day, or about 9 teaspoons.
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