Advocating for AEDs


Yesterday the Committee of Public Health heard legislation that would require AEDs in Schools. We were so lucky to have two dedication and passionate advocates come and share their story. John lost his son Michael from sudden cardiac arrest when he took a hit on the football field and there was no AED available. Grace, a 12 year old, heard about Michael and she made a decision to act. In the last 8 months she has raised money for AEDs and CPR trainings. She has been able to get 5 AEDs that she is placing in key locations in her Community and she is working on CPR trainings for coaches in her school and asking her school to require CPR training for the students.

We hope that after hearing these amazing stories it will be hard for the Committee to not act on requiring schools to have AEDs. We are excited to continue to work with both Grace and John to make sure that CPR is being taught in schools and that our schools, fields and gyms are equipped with lifesaving equipment!  We hope you will join our efforts and tell your legislators that you support policies to save lives!


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