Advocates Visit Congressional Offices, Promote Healthy School Meals



You’re the Cure Advocates from throughout Texas utilized the August Congressional break to advocate for reauthorization of the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.” Volunteers visited district offices to share the message that new nutrition standards ARE working and should not be delayed or weakened.

Houston Grassroots Action Team Chair Bill Clayton hosted a group of advocates at his downtown office, where they reviewed the materials, discussed advocacy 101 and practiced talking points before heading out.  Together, they visited the offices of Senator John Cornyn, Senator Ted Cruz, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and Congressman John Culberson.

The team delivered the message to Congress that healthy school meals ‘fit’ into a successful school day for kids- and that we’re ‘puzzled’ by efforts to weaken or delay the important nutrition standards.  To help make this point, the advocates delivered a lunch bag of puzzle pieces, 4 of which fit together to display a healthy school meal and 1 showing unhealthy food that doesn’t fit. 

Advocates also visited the offices of Congressman John Carter in Round Rock and Congresswoman Kay Granger in Fort Worth.

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