Meet Michele Glidden, Indiana State Advocacy Committee Member.
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What brought you to be an advocate for the American Heart Association?
As the stroke program coordinator for Eskenazi Health, it is important for me to be knowledgeable in all aspects of stroke care. During nursing school, we are taught to do what is best for your patient and to fight for their rights, even when your patient is unable. Having a background in emergency nursing, I have seen the devastating effects of a stroke on a patient and their families.
What issues or policies are you most passionate about and why?
I care about stroke prevention. More than 80 percent of strokes are preventable. Having patients and their families becoming more active, being involved in their own healthcare and addressing those risks for stroke that can be prevented. Any little bit I can do to reach out and make Indiana a little bit healthier and not meet you in the hospital, the better.
What is your favorite advocacy memory or experience so far and what made it great?
In March 2017, I was able to attend and testify at the Indiana Senate Healthcare Committee meeting regarding House Bill 1145. HB 1145 addresses EMS recognizing potential stroke patients being taken to a hospital that is a certified stroke center over a facility that is not certified in treating acute stroke patients. By going to a certified stroke center, the patient has a better chance of having a better outcome and having a better quality of life. By speaking to this group of Indiana lawmakers, it was the most exhilarating and intimidating experience I have ever taken part of. HB1145 was signed into law by Gov. Eric Holcomb in April 2017.
What is your favorite way to be active?
My favorite ways of being active are hiking, walking and being in my flower beds and vegetable garden. I try to embrace all seasons of the year; I love to play in the snow as well as being on a boat in the summer.
What are your favorite fruit or vegetable and any tips for how you serve or prepare it?
My favorite fruits are chilled apples, watermelon, and cantaloupe. I also love asparagus on the grill with just a little garlic and olive oil.
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