Advocate Spotlight: Erin Starr

Erin Starr has a passion for causes that help to improve health outcomes for members of her community and her state.  Her interest in the AHA was sparked by being involved in the very first Go Red for Women event in Fairbury.  From there, she shares her passion for being healthy and having fun in life! Recently we caught up with Erin and asked her what brought her to be involved with the American Heart Association.  

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What brought you to be an advocate for the American Heart Association?

In 2014, Jill Duis, longtime AHA advocate, approached me and asked if I’d be interested in getting a Go Red for Women event started in Fairbury.  Jill and I had worked together at Jefferson Community Health & Life for several years, and I knew of Jill’s medical history of her heart and past stroke.  So to be asked by her was an honor, and I do have a passion for putting on events for a great cause.

What issues or policies are you most passionate about and why?

I think working in healthcare; I have a passion for many things, cancer, heart, stroke, women’s health, etc.  My passion for the AHA was really sparked by just being a part of my very first Go Red for Women event in Fairbury and listening to Dr. Jo speak about being healthy and having fun in life and wanting to be the best person you can be. 

What is your favorite advocacy memory or experience so far and what made it great?

I’d say the last 3 Go Red for Women Celebrity Waiter events that we’ve hosted have all been top notch.  To have a community like Fairbury support the cause and the AHA, it’s wonderful to see.  We went from raising $3600 the first year to $21,700 on the 3rd year.  It’s community support and a really awesome Go Red Committee that could pull that off!

What is your favorite way to be active?

In terms of active involvement with an organization, I’d say being an advocate for the cause and try to live the life that we know we need to be healthy.   We are all human, we aren’t perfect, but we need to walk the talk.

In terms of being physically active, I enjoy spending quality time with my children and I like to go on evening walks and bike rides. My children are my why.  Smart, sensitive, innovative beautiful kids that are the reason I do what I do every day.   

What is your favorite fruit or vegetable and any tips for how you serve or prepare it?

I love all fruits, kiwi is probably my favorite.  I always have issues with when to buy it and when it’s at its best.  My other favorite fruit is a tomato.  Summer tomatoes right off the plant are amazing.

Vegetable favorite is asparagus, steamed with a little bit of parmesan.

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