Volunteers are the lifeblood of the American Heart Association and the work that we do. We are constantly amazed by our volunteers' commitment to advocate for healthier lives and to help save lives through policy change. We are pleased to spotlight a volunteer that has passion for the health of New Mexico's youngest hearts. Please meet Danila Crespin Zidovsky.
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Occupation: Early Childhood Education Policy Analyst and Freelance writer
Hometown: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Favorite movie: The Princess Bride and Dutch
Favorite Band(s): Pearl Jam, Bob Dylan and The Band
Hobbies: Writing, traveling and writing about traveling
Pets: Biscuit, 5 - still on the lookout for her long lost sibling, Gravy
Kiddos: Francesca "Franny Bean," 3
Why is advocating with the American Heart Association important to you?
As an early childhood education advocate, I'm passionate about championing strong public policies that support children and their families and working to break down disproportionate disparities. The American Heart Association has proven preventative measures to combat obesity and heart disease, diabetes and the development of quality systems of care for marginalized communities.
We all do better when our children have access to nutritious food, quality healthcare and high-quality early learning opportunities, including home visiting, quality subsidized child care and state-funded Pre-K to support families and working mothers.
Are you in our You're The Cure advocacy network? Join us today! CLICK HERE
Want to volunteer with the AHA? We would love to find an opportunity that is right for you! Please email [email protected].
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