Gail Harris-Berry Maryland
In June of 2011, I had near-death heart episode that doctors declared “I wouldn’t survive.” My family was called in allowed to say “good-bye.” Having had a cardio-catherization, released from the hospital 6 hrs. later. While resting at home the following day, all of sudden I had severe pain. I called 911 and within minutes they arrived and by the time I was in the ambulance, felt that I was dying. I told the technician that and got me there as quickly as possible, running down the corridor with me on gurney, a doctor came in the room, by this time my body was already in shock, semi-conscience.
Thank God, the doctor came and assessed quickly, “she may be bleeding internally. Scalpel.” After two weeks in a coma, on life-support, critical-care ICU, three surgeries, suspended between life and death, I’m still here and committed more than ever to get spread the word on heart disease, especially as it relates to women.
Once fully conscience I asked the doctor what happened to me, he said “a lot of things happened in your favor that day because two more minutes, you wouldn’t have survived.”
Almost a month in the hospital, 2.5 months of rehab, visiting home nurse, in-patient and out-patient therapy, I’m back to work! And other than my “battle” scars, most don’t believe what I went through when they look at me, but all acknowledge—“I am a living miracle.”
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