Ask Congress to Support Funding for Active Transportation Programs

The United States Congress is considering legislation that would fund programs like Safe Routes to School and Complete Streets. Among other things, these programs and policies help build dedicated bike and pedestrian lanes in cities and states and are a great way to promote healthy and safe transportation options. They can help increase physical activity in children and families like yours and help curb obesity and weight gain while lowering your chances of chronic illnesses like heart disease.

While everyone is rightfully focused on the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the need to distance ourselves socially, this issue is still critically important. When life eventually returns to normal, active transportation programs and policies will impact our children (adults too!) for years to come and we need to take action now!

Currently, 80% of adults and nearly 75% of children in the U.S. fail to meet recommended amounts of physical activity, programs like these can make a BIG impact! But we need your help to make sure members of the U.S. Congress funds these programs properly.

Will you email your U.S. Members of Congress and urge them support funding for active transportation programs? 

Thank you for all that you do!

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