Over the past several months, You're the Cure advocates--like you--have emailed, called and met with your county supervisors to urge their support for the Milwaukee Market Match program. We're excited to share that County Supervisors recently overwhelmingly voted to invest in this win-win for Milwaukee families and farmers--and County Executive Crowley just signed the legislation into law.
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Why Milwaukee Market Match? Too many families in Milwaukee County struggle to access healthy, affordable food. Fortunately, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (known as "FoodShare" in Wisconsin) Incentive programs provide a model that can boost fruit and vegetable consumption, while also supporting local farmers and retailers. Every $1 invested in these programs ensures local families have access to fruits and vegetables and returns nearly $2 to the community.
Thank you to our amazing You're the Cure advocates for raising your voice for a healthier Milwaukee County!
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