A win in Lafayette

In October of 2017, the Lafayette Colorado City Council voted 5-1 in favor of an ordinance to require all local restaurants to offer only milk and water with kids' meals. Lafayette was the first US city outside the state of California to adopt this type of ordinance. 

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The ordinance change was a big success for the Lafayette Youth Advisory Committee (LYAC) who worked along partner organizations including the American Heart Association to push for the change. You can learn more about the Lafayette ordinance change here.

Research shows that sugary drinks can be harmful to health. Every week, children are consuming up to ten times more sugary drinks than the American Heart Association recommends - which is no more than one 8-ounce sugary drink a week. The more sugary drinks people consume, the more likely it is that they'll develop heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Drinking sugary drinks also increases kids' risk of developing high cholesterol and high blood pressure. 

Want to do something about sugary drinks in Denver restaurants? Sign up here to join the action team. 

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