A Great Day in Helena

March 19th was a great day at the Capitol in Helena! Almost 40 American Heart Association and SHAPE volunteers from across the state came together to discuss two important pieces of legislation; HB 400 - fresh fruit and vegetable incentives for families on food assistance and HB 425 - making Medicaid expansion permanent and protecting access to healthcare for almost 100,000 Montanans. 

Students from Capital High School in Helena joined us to do CPR and PE demonstrations for legislators throughout the building. Lt. Governor Cooney even stopped by to say hello to the students.

Throughout the course of the day volunteers met with close to 60 legislators and Governor Bullock! Overall it was a great day at the Capitol and a great way for us to connect with legislators!

We greatly appreciate all of the volunteers who joined us at the Capitol! If you couldn't join us but would like to support these issues please keep an eye out for emails on these pieces of legislation as we enter the final weeks of the 2019 legislative session.


hero_image_alt_text===Picture of the Montana Capitol Building
thumbnail_alt_text===Picture of the Montana Capitol Building
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