You might have seen headlines recently indicating that the Hawaii legislature passed a flavored tobacco restriction bill, and we wish it was true but unfortunately the bill that passed would result in restrictions in name only. SB1570 started out as a great piece of legislation, it covered all tobacco products and all flavors, and would have made a difference in addressing the youth tobacco and vaping epidemic that Hawaii is experiencing. Unfortunately, during the legislative process a tobacco industry lobbyist was able to get an amendment added to the bill that leaves thousands of flavors on the market and would keep the status quo regarding the tobacco industry’s ability to lure Hawaii kids into addiction to its deadly products.
Based on extensive legal review and our history of working to reverse damage done by the tobacco industry’s bill amendments, we believe fixing a bad bill will be harder then coming back in the future and passing a good comprehensive bill. Because key legislators were not willing to remove the industry’s amendment, we will be asking Governor Ige to veto SB1570. Governor Ige has until June 27 to release his veto list and we hope that this bill will be on it.
hero_image_alt_text===A graphic of flavored tobacco products mixed with candy
thumbnail_alt_text===A graphic of flavored tobacco products mixed with candy
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