Advocate Spotlight: Jennifer Djurasovic

My Family is Why!

hero_image_alt_text===Photo of Jennifer Djurasovic
thumbnail_alt_text===Photo of Jennifer Djurasovic
bottom_action===Photo of Jennifer Djurasovic

What brought you to be an advocate for the American Heart Association?

My biological Father had five heart attacks and died of a brain aneurysm before I could reconnect with him. I missed the opportunity to know him, and I believe others have similarly been affected by heart disease in their families.

What issues or policies are you most passionate about and why?

I am passionate about educating the public about healthy lifestyle choices. I think this might best be accomplished through policy changes like Tobacco 21 and affecting our community's youth population. I have three young daughters and want to see them and their classmates thrive in a healthy environment.

What is your favorite advocacy memory or experience so far and what made it great?

I enjoyed collecting signatures of support for the sugary sweetened beverage tax at the AHA walk and within my community. It was a chance to educate on the link between obesity and heart disease and use selling skills to gain support for our cause.

What is your favorite way to be active?

I have an elliptical machine at home that gets used most days, but I really love tennis. When the weather is nice, I want to be on the court. My husband and daughters play soccer competitively, so we support one another.

What is your favorite fruit or vegetable?


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